HL7 Version 2 Table 0734
This is a table defined as part of HL7 v2 . Related FHIR content: v2 Grouper Status.
Name: | v2 Grouper Status |
Definition: | FHIR Value set/code system definition for HL7 v2 table 0734 ( Grouper Status) |
Code System URL: | http://hl7.org/fhir/v2/0734 |
Value Set URL: | http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/v2-0734 |
OID: | ?? |
CodeSystem Resource | XML / JSON |
ValueSet Resource | XML / JSON |
This value set is used in the following places:
- This value set is the designated 'entire code system' value set for v2 Grouper Status Code System Content
Grouper Status
Code | Description | Comment | Version |
0 | Normal grouping | | added v2.6 |
1 | Invalid or missing primary diagnosis | | added v2.6 |
2 | Diagnosis is not allowed to be primary | | added v2.6 |
3 | Data does not fulfill DRG criteria | | added v2.6 |
4 | Invalid age, admission date, date of birth or discharge date | | added v2.6 |
5 | Invalid gender | | added v2.6 |
6 | Invalid discharge status | | added v2.6 |
7 | Invalid weight ad admission | | added v2.6 |
8 | Invalid length of stay | | added v2.6 |
9 | Invalid field "same day" | | added v2.6 |